Explore My Portfolio
Industry Work Samples
I lead campaigns to reach the right audience with the right message at the right time.
I curate brand positions, tell brand stories, and protect brand integrity.
Email Marketing
I create campaigns and messages that nurture brand loyalty and produce measurable impacts.
Media Relations
I formulate compelling press materials and train stakeholders to represent brands.
Print Marketing
I create (often with graphic designers) print pieces to reach diverse audiences.
Social Media Marketing
I utilize platforms to engage with stakeholders and reach new audiences.
I surface compelling stories and select the most effective tactics for telling those stories.
Website Marketing
I design and manage websites that convey facts, evoke emotion, and cultivate trust.
Annual Planning
I craft strategies to garner audience support and achieve ambitious goals.
Academic Work Samples
The following samples were produced during my M.S. in Communication at Northwestern University. An alternative to the executive MBA, this program prepares ambitious and inspired professionals to manage complexity, lead collaboratively, and communicate elegantly.
Boundaryless Communication
This essay describes the relationship between internal and external communications.
Change Management
This short response reflects on a simulation of leading organizational change.
Leadership Mindset
This short response explores the characteristics and actions of a leadership mindset.
Leading Successful Teams
This paper dissects the role of team cognition in successful teamwork.
Team Health & Functioning
This paper applies team science and group communication theory to a past workplace.
Dialogue Across Teams
This short response explores the use of dialogue to manage across teams.
Dialogic Dysfunction
This paper identifies the key imperatives of dialogue and analyzes a case of dysfunction.
Dialogue in Difficult Interactions
This short response explores dialogue as a leadership strategy, especially in conflict.
Information Design
This slide deck (from a group presentation) uses visual frameworks to tell a data story.
Networking for Innovation
This short response explores my role in facilitating knowledge sharing and innovation.
Social & Knowledge Networks
This slide deck and leave-behind piece were created during a case interview simulation.
Repairing Organizational Trust
This paper applies a strategic communication mindset to a real-world situation.
Responding to Activism
This essay explores two-way symmetrical public relations with difficult-to-address groups.
Classic Research Methods
These research tools gather data to inform marketing and communications decisions.
Brand Positioning & Strategy
This slide deck (from a group presentation) pitches a new brand strategy.
Uncovering Strengths
This essay reflects on the results of my Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment.